Katana Zero Wiki

Omar Al - Qasim is one of the original backers of the NULL project, and one of the assassination targets in Katana Zero. He is a white-haired male who employs the Headhunter, using her as an assassin and paying her in Chronos. It isn't stated what his role in the NULL project was, but given later dialogue by V, it's likely that he was a financial backer of the project. He is killed by V during the Mansion mission.


  • Al-Qasim is one of the only individuals in Katana Zero shown to make use of NULL mercenaries.
  • Al-Qasim is the only target in Katana Zero to have multiple levels related to him, those being the Mansion mission, and both parts of the Bunker mission.
  • It is unknown whether Al-Qasim has any relatives, but it's likely that the woman and children found in the vault at the end of Bunker Part 2 are his wife and kids.